Dental Emergency
Dental emergencies can be caused by trauma to the face and mouth or injuries while playing sports. Some dental emergencies occur when a dental restoration is not well maintained or is not replaced when it should be. Dental emergencies are very serious and should never be ignored. If not treated, dental emergencies can cause permanent damage. More extensive and extensive dental treatment is also needed later if dental emergencies are not treated. To prevent serious damage to your teeth, Dr. Vela and Dr. Ng will treat a dental emergency in Corpus Christi, Texas.
The following symptoms and issues are serious and need to be seen and treated by our dentists as soon as possible:
- Toothache
- Chipped or broken teeth
- Worn down teeth
- Cracked teeth
- A knocked-out tooth
- An extruded tooth (partially dislodged tooth)
- Objects caught between teeth
- The loss of a dental filling
- The loss of a dental crown
- Loose or broken brackets, wires, and bands
- Abscess
- Soft-tissue injuries, which include injures to the tongue, cheeks, gums, and lips
Transforming Smiles, Transforming Lives.
All On Four® Full Mouth Reconstruction
All On Four® Dental Implants in Corpus Christi are becoming more and more popular as patients become aware of their superior fit, form, and function.
Cosmetic Dentistry
At Vela Dental Center we see patients with varying degrees of dental issues that cause their smile to be less than ideal and some that their smile problems even lead them to depression.