A: Fillings are basically our first line of defense against cavities. Usually, we use them for small cavities—a cavity is basically the breaking down of the tooth. Many times, if we catch them early enough, we can place a small amount of paste inside the tooth that cures and hardens. It’s almost as strong as the tooth, but it’s just a small portion of that tooth, that is getting fixed. A lot of times fillings in Corpus Christi are tooth-colored and can last upwards of 7-10 years easily. Actually, the ones we’re using these days release fluoride to help strengthen teeth as well.
Cosmetic Fillings Are Saving Teeth!
If you’ve never had any personal experience with fillings you might have a friend who has. Have you ever had a friend complain about a toothache from cavities? They probably complained often as it can be painful—but then one day, they stop mentioning it.
They don’t mention it anymore because the cavities are gone. A cavity doesn’t go away on its own, they probably got what’s called a filling. Fillings in Corpus Christi are one of the most sought-after dental procedures.
If you visit us with a minor cavity where the tooth can still be saved, Dr. Vela may opt for this common procedure. Why? Because a filling can save your tooth from decay and also prevent a more expensive solution such as a dental implant.
Forget What You Think You Know About Fillings
If you are like most people reading this, you’re probably getting visions of metal teeth and ugly green discolorations. Don’t be alarmed, you aren’t the only one that still associates those images with fillings in Corpus Christi. True, traditional fillings used to be comprised of a mix of metals, usually tin or mercury. However, the technology in dental fillings has advanced quite a bit in both procedures and materials. Now, most of the fillings we apply in the office are a composite resin that matches the color of your tooth. The result is a filling that is virtually indistinguishable from natural tooth material.
Admittedly, old school metal fillings stuck out like a sore thumb and were quite embarrassing. When you combine that with the fact that many people had allergic reactions to the metal compounds—we understand the hesitation on fillings.
It should also be noted though, that even though the cosmetic aspect of fillings has greatly advanced—it’s not all for show. Dentists offering modern cosmetic fillings in Corpus Christi are actually improving the functionality of fillings. With metal fillings of the past, many foods could trigger sensitivity in the tooth and cause significant problems.
However, with these new composite resins used in the fillings, the benefits are multifaceted. Composite fillings are hypoallergenic and do not react with any foods. This means your diet is not restricted, your teeth function just as they did before—and of course, you saved your tooth! When you really think about the huge advancement in fillings—it’s quite amazing how far they’ve come. It was no easy journey that’s for sure, there were trials and errors along the way.
The Problems With Early Cosmetic Fillings In Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi residents didn’t have the luxury of modern cosmetic fillings overnight. In fact, the evolution of the modern dental filling is a trying one. In fact, the earliest versions of cosmetic fillings looked quite unnatural. However, they still were an improvement over their metal predecessors but not by much. While the earliest iterations were technically “tooth-colored” they still did not match everyone’s teeth perfectly. Additionally, they also lacked the durability of the ugly metal fillings, so the tradeoff was not a good one. The newer fillings could not be placed in a tooth that would be under a lot of pressure such as molars. Therefore, on these teeth—people were stuck with metal.
Also though, it should be noted that while they looked better than the metal ones, they still felt foreign in patient’s mouths. They were making great strides in the materials used to make cosmetic fillings and it was beginning to show.
The Miracle That Is Cosmetic Fillings
Today’s cosmetic fillings are not only matched to your tooth color, but they are miles more durable and feel like regular teeth. That is because they are created with a composite plastic and glass or ceramic to form a hard resin. Once cured with UV light, they become extremely hard and their durability is amplified in a layered process.
The Process
Once your dentist has determined that a filling is the best course of action, we then schedule you for the actual procedure. The first step is laying down the resin on the tooth, then we cure it with UV light as mentioned before. This process is repeated over and over until the cavity is full. Once full, we remove the excess and contour it to match the tooth’s shape before giving a good polishing.
If you are in your 20’s or older, you’ve likely been treated for at least once cavity before. In fact, over 85% of patients ranging from 20-64 have reported a cavity at least once. So, there’s no reason to get depressed thinking there’s something wrong. You can save your tooth and stop it from killing your tooth.
Why Opt For Cosmetic Fillings In Corpus Christi?
Taking advantage of the multiple benefits of cosmetic fillings is the best thing you can do to relieve your cavities. You should take advantage of the progression dentistry has made in fillings and make an appointment at Vela Dental Center. We can save your teeth from the damage a minor cavity can progress into while maintaining discretion and comfort. After all, this is your smile we are talking about and cosmetic fillings have so many benefits.
Our Fillings Bond With Your Teeth
The problem with older metal fillings is that it never actually bonds to your tooth. This is why so many people have to go back to the dentist for a filling that fell out. That re-application is another expense in addition to what they spent the first time. It gets costly, especially if a filling keeps falling out over time.
Think of it as fixing a hole in your wall. Sure, you can go the quick and cheap route and just fill the hole with balled up paper. You add a little spackle over it to smooth it out then paint over it and it’s fixed right? WRONG. That’s going to look horribly cheap and it won’t last long at all. The paper in the wall will soften and shift, cracking the paint and showing the hole again.
However, if you actually fill the hole with compound, blend in a new piece of sheetrock and paint—you really fix it. The same thing applies to cavities, simply filling it with a metal compound held in by tension is not ideal. In fact, with today’s advancements, settling for this type of filling is downright foolish—it will cost you more in re-applications.
At most dental offices, they won’t even offer metal fillings because of their shortcomings. At Vela, we only offer cosmetic fillings that will become part of your tooth for life. It’s the smart way to stop a cavity from spreading and it will never fall out because it’s bonded.
They Save Most Of Your Healthy Tooth
Since metal fillings have to be packed into the cavity, they actually have to make the cavity bigger by drilling. It seems counter-productive, but before modern cosmetic fillings in Corpus Christi—it was the only option. This means you end up losing more of the healthy part of your tooth to rescue the decaying part. Since cosmetic fillings are painted into the cavity then cured, it requires no drilling at all.
Cosmetic Fillings In Corpus Christi Are Biocompatible
We can guarantee that when you started reading this blog, something on the page jumped out at you and still is bothersome. The fact that metal fillings are made with mercury. We know the stigma that comes with that, even though it’s at a very safe level. Even though mercury at that low level is medically safe, some patients still have allergic reactions. Cosmetic fillings, on the other hand, contain no allergens and are biocompatible. You will never have an issue or be in any danger with modern cosmetic fillings from Vela.
Let Vela Dental Center Preserve Your Teeth With The Best Cosmetic Fillings In Corpus Christi
Cosmetic fillings from Vela Dental Center will stop minor cavities from becoming major problems and keep your smile looking great. Your smile shouldn’t be hindered by a few cavities when we can correct that in just one single office visit. Just contact us today to schedule your appointment and take care of your smile—you only get one!